Establishing case studies

In April and May we held a series of online working meetings with teams from partner protected areas to identify case studies for the project. Following the discussions, we decided to address, one at a time, problems that can be translated into a learning experience for the young people involved in the project.

For the Lunca Mureșului Natural Park, the central element of the case study is the responsible exploitation of the natural resources on the Mureș River. We want to reveal its beauty and the natural values ​​along its course but also the threats to the values ​​presented: drought, invasive species, gravel pits, dredging, waste accumulation and other visible human interventions.

For the Defileul Jiului National Park, the case study will focus on traditional manor houses that could become sources of sustainable income for locals, if turned into accommodation units. Young people will analyze this opportunity in relation to the threats that mass tourism can pose.

For Grădiștea Muncelului – Cioclovina Natural Park, the case study is built around large areas of grassland and forest included in completely protected areas, without taking into account the needs of local communities, especially the purchase of firewood.

For the Putna Vrancea Natural Park, the case study addresses the conflict between humans and large carnivores in local communities and tourism.

For the Piatra Craiului National Park, the proposed case study will debate the subject of new constructions, not blending in the landscape and not in accordance with the Construction Guide in the sustainable development area of the Piatra Craiului National Park.